And a brilliant point of view of the boyfriend.
(still from LiveFAST)
I like that he will put it bluntly and tell us some truth: what bad sex says about us.
That a woman that has bad sexual experiences sometimes is a little responsible for it.
That allowing ourselves to be having regular sex with bad/selfish lovers is a sign of not respecting ourselves.
And i must say that i agree.
If by any chance, i start making out and foreplaying with a man that is not that into pleasing me as much as him, and making this a great experience (even for one night) i will not go on and sleep with him and fake a headache.
The few times i had bad and uninteresting sex, was early on in my life, when i was still shy (and couldn't really find the words to say what i wanted and what i DIDN'T want) and let's be honest, when i had much less self esteem.
(still from LiveFAST)
I like that he will put it bluntly and tell us some truth: what bad sex says about us.
That a woman that has bad sexual experiences sometimes is a little responsible for it.
That allowing ourselves to be having regular sex with bad/selfish lovers is a sign of not respecting ourselves.
And i must say that i agree.
If by any chance, i start making out and foreplaying with a man that is not that into pleasing me as much as him, and making this a great experience (even for one night) i will not go on and sleep with him and fake a headache.
The few times i had bad and uninteresting sex, was early on in my life, when i was still shy (and couldn't really find the words to say what i wanted and what i DIDN'T want) and let's be honest, when i had much less self esteem.
Anyway, I’ve just finished reading Evie’spost on how well I eat pussy. Pretty flattering, *Kanye shrug*. I think I’m really regular – just a gentleman in the sense that ladies always cum first. I don’t think I have any extraordinary talents besides wanting to please my lover.
From what I have witnessed, girls who are having sex with only rising action and no climax are fucking doods that fall into one of two categories;
One: they’re allowing themselves to be fucked by selfish lovers, or two: are dealing with the inexperience of a weirdo that watches too much/little porn. These kinds of relationships create a weird matrix of women that are literally being left hangingon their orgasms. And what’s worse is they’re out there filling the egos of clueless delusional doods while simultaneously living sexually dysfunctional lives.
This situation tends to remedy itself with age as you tend to come into yourself as a sexual being, but also consider whom you let fuck you. There is no reason why you shouldn’t be trying to understand who you are sexually and what you like. It doesn’t matter whether that means being fussy with who you choose to sleep with, or deciding you prefer the lights on (or off), you deserve an orgasm #feminism.