I later found the Sunday night sex lady and then Savage Love in the back of the Georgia Straight. I sought this stuff out because I was really curious about sex, and totally amazed at how much was actually involved in the whole process. Before I ever sexed anyone I was in the know on kinks and queers, and also the importance of communication with a sex partner and of being safe about it. With my first partner, I knew that even if I wasn't having orgasms, I was supposed to be trying to.
If it's true that young'ns are learning about sex through online porn, then they're really missing out on most of the nuances surrounding the whole practice of sexing, and they're also only getting the experience through a male perspective. I tried to find fem-shot POV porn awhile ago because I thought it was a great and hot idea, and all I uncovered was some female casting couch agent with inch-long, talonous, pink nails shooting eastern European girls.. Little ladies deserve to learn about sex the way it should be for them, and yes there are good online resources for info, like http://www.scarleteen.com/, but the thing is that porn is where its at, and because it's free and always accessible, so it's become default sex-ed for most everyone.
A while ago I heard an interview with Cindy Gallop on the Savage Lovecast. She was promoting her project Make Love Not Porn, an online porn distribution network where users create the content (non professional, real life sex movies) and the community in turn "rents" the films digitally at five bucks for three weeks. The concept is all about normalizing sexual experiences and making real sex available to see. The proprietress herself is a passionate, sexy and successful lady who discovered the need for real sex-ed whist sexing younger guys and realizing that they get all their moves from mainstream porn.
The project has a team of 8 people and the website has been re-vamped since the last time I checked it out. It is divided into the make-love-not-porn educational section, which has a youth friendly purple-disco roller boogie kind of vibe. It uses icons and short blurbs of text to dispel porn myths surrounding things like pubic hair and orgasms. The other half is the porn section, where you sign up to rent or submit sex movies. Films are submitted to the site by users, who are instructed to film them in context and without using typical porn practices. Participants receive half of the royalties from any rentals of the movies so I guess that's the motivator driving the quality.
From what I can tell the majority of the videos are uploaded by average looking Euro couples, which is nice if that's what you're into but it's got a bit of an exchangists/swinger vibe to it. Hopefully as the site grows it's user base will expand and diversify with it. Well not yet refined it's a concept which could really help blur the line between education and entertainment in the sex industry, or at least create an alternative resource from where younger people could pick up some new moves that will actually impress.
You can check out Cindy's sites here http://makelovenotporn.com/